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Understanding the effects of malaria parasites and vector biomolecular dynamics on malaria transmission through multiscale modelling and agent-based models

Malaria remains a significant public health problem in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Currently, all intervention tools such as diagnostic, treatment, and vector control are impeded by increasing concern of malaria parasites and vector biomolecular dynamics. In many African countries, the interventions of the National Malaria Control Programs are challenged by (1) hrp2/hrp3 deletions which is threatening the use of Rapid Diagnosis Tests (RDTs) by false-negative resulting, (2) asymptomatic cases of infections which remain undiagnosed and untreated with the current control efforts focusing on diagnosis and treatment of febrile patients presenting to hospitals and health centers (3) drug resistance which has been documented against available antimalarial drugs and mutations associated with, have been reported in some SSA countries, and (4) anopheles resistance to insecticide whereas the success of Long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) distribution campaigns and indoor residual spraying (IRS) depends on killing mosquitoes and destroying larval habitats by the insecticides sprayed. Thus, the overall aim of this project is to develop and compare two modelling frameworks (one using multiscale modelling approach and another one using agent-based models), which are believed to be able to provide more insights to advise the design of optimal and effective malaria interventions.


Fellows involved in this project

Iso Lomso Fellow

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