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Wetland gentrification in African cities: Implications for urban governance, planning, and theory

While studies in the global North have focused on ‘green gentrification’ driven by park developments and eco-friendly initiatives, a different phenomenon is unfolding in rapidly urbanizing African cities. Facing severe land scarcity and booming property values, these cities are witnessing an alarming encroachment upon and depletion of urban wetlands to make way for real estate development. Drawing on multiple theoretical lenses and methodological approaches, we propose the term ‘wetland gentrification’ for this distinct African context, where real estate development on urban wetlands is causing the displacement of both ecological resources and human populations. We frame wetland gentrification in African cities as being ‘more-than-human geographies’ because it has displacement consequences beyond the typical forms of human displacement in gentrification in global North cities. This research project delves into the multifaceted causes and consequences of wetland gentrification. It also brings to the fore how urban governance and planning can mitigate the consequences of wetland gentrification.


Fellows involved in this project

Iso Lomso Fellow

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