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The Disorder Project

The Disorder is a body of work developed under the rubric of an ongoing project namely, To Be King. The over-arching framework of the project is informed by a postcolonial reinterpretation of the painting Las Meninas by Velasquez and the essay Las Meninas written in French by Foucault in 1966 as the first chapter of Les Mots et le choses and translated into English in 1970 as The Order of Things.
The next iteration of this project utilizes the Artist’s Book as a medium through which to examine the liminal space between vision and language, image and text, the two-dimensional and three-dimensional. In this sense Artist’s Books create a unique space to convey meaning through the interaction of the viewer, or ‘reader’ as they traverse multiple spaces and can convey meaning through other senses such as touch and even smell. The matrices, the copper plates onto which the text is etched, have the potential to double as both an inscribed surface and a reflective one. This intrinsic quality suggests the viewers complicity in narrative that unfolds before her.


Fellows involved in this project

South Africa
South Africa

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