2016 STIAS-Wallenberg Roundtable statement on inclusive and sustainable innovation released

2 March 2016

The 2016 STIAS-Wallenberg Roundtable on Innovation for Prosperity focused on conditions in developing economies and societies, especially Africa.

Close to 60 delegates (see photo) attended the 2016 STIAS-Wallenberg Roundtable on Innovation for Prosperity at the STIAS campus on 22 and 23 February. The Roundtable event afforded the opportunity for lively discussions and debates with South African, regional and international participants spanning sectors from policy and decision makers to academics, researchers, business leaders, innovators and entrepreneurs. Discussions were framed by a background Discussion Document entitled Realising innovation opportunities in sub-Saharan Africa by Sara Grobbelaar and Sylvia Schwaag Serger as well as a Delphi survey to canvass opinions on innovation policies.

The wide-ranging issues discussed included what constitutes inclusive innovation; the role of government in fostering and facilitating an innovative society; bottom-up and top-down innovation; education for innovation – across the full spectrum from schooling and vocational training to the role of the innovative university; the unique challenges facing Africa and the potential for leapfrogging into a new future; the developmental state; as well the pros and cons of regional co-operation, collaboration and integration.

In keeping with the goal of the Roundtables to disseminate information and outputs to the broader community, the Core Organising Committee drafted a Roundtable statement which was further enhanced by input from the participants. Further outputs including a revised draft of the Discussion Document and a Policy Brief will be developed over the next few months.

  • Download the Roundtable statement here.








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