The Stellenbosch Municipality has commenced a public-participation process for residents to have their say in the Adam Tas Corridor Local Spatial Development Framework. The notice appeared in the weekly Eikestadnuus and is also published on the municipal website. The the ATC-LSDF document can be downloaded here:

The Adam Tas Corridor is the start of Stellenbosch’s emerging urban-transformation district. The vision is to create an integrated urban-development corridor that is liveable, safe, resource-efficient, socially integrated, economically inclusive and globally competitive, in which all citizens can actively participate. The hope is to create a place that embodies best knowledge on what constitutes good, equitable urbanism, and supports and enhances national, provincial and municipal policies.
The project will provide infrastructure and spaces for increased community integration. Planning of the corridor is at an advanced stage and has involved a multidisciplinary group, including local and provincial planning authorities, urban developers, and STIAS Fellows. It is supported by the Western Cape government, National Treasury, the Stellenbosch Municipality, Stellenbosch University, STIAS, and local business and academic leaders.
The corridor covers 375 hectares of currently under-developed, under-utilised land and facilities – stretching from the sawmill site along the railway line and the edge of the Papegaaiberg Nature Reserve to Kayamandi, Cloetesville and Idas Valley. It’s an area nearly four times as large as the Victoria & Alfred Waterfront in Cape Town with the potential to include 13 500 new housing opportunities for students, workers, employees, and poorer households, as well as entrepreneurial and social spaces and enhanced public transport.
More information on the background to the project can be found here: