The project is about completing the writing of a book entitled Emerging Statistical Renaissance in Africa. African countries have adopted the paradigm of managing for results (MfDR) which, inter alia, aims to better define and systematically measure and report on development outcomes. MfDR also emphasizes the importance of better statistics and is data intensive. Its adoption has led to unprecedented increase in demand for development data and presented challenges to statistical systems in Africa many of which are young, fragile, vulnerable, under-resourced and generally under-performing. But it has also opened up opportunities for reviewing and reforming statistical systems, and for making the case for increased support to and investment in statistical production and development in Africa to meet data user needs.
The last decade has witnessed the mobilization and galvanization of key stakeholders to address data challenges in Africa; improve data definition, scope, quantity and quality; and increase data use especially for public policy and decision-making. The book will provide an African narrative and perspective about and insights into the emergence of a statistical renaissance and associated architecture in Africa triggered by MfDR. It also provides proposals on how this renaissance can best be nurtured, advanced and sustained over the longer term.