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The transition to Green Economy: Africa’s leapfrogging opportunity

Africa is currently recognized as the fastest growing region in the world while a number of African countries are listed amongst the fastest growing economies in the region over the last decade. Given the early stage of development and the relatively abundant renewable resource endowment of the region, Africa is also said to be the region with highest leapfrogging potential for the transition towards Green Economy. But, realizing this potential would require having clarity on the conceptual framework that guides the paradigm shift for Green Economy transition and better understanding of the strategic development intervention measures that need to be taken by African countries. This research aims at developing a more coherent and systems based conceptual definition of Green Economy as a social transformation process building on the strength and limitations of existing interpretations promoted by different institutions. It also aims to Identify and develop the key principles and approaches that could be followed by African countries in order to operationalize  a Green Economy transition in Africa.


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