David Dunér
Involved in these STIAS projects
Related publications
Dunér, David. 2020. The cultural semiotics of African encounters: Eighteenth-Century images of the Other. Semiotica. https://doi.org/10.1515/sem-2019-0030
Dunér, David. 2016. Ovisshetens Poesi: Lundensiska Naturalhistorikers Skildringar Från Främmande Världar. Pp. 91–106 in Svenska Linnésällskapets årsskrift 2016. edited by G. Broberg and D. Dunér. Uppsala: Svenska Linnésällskapet.
Dunér, David. 2017. On the Plausibility of Intelligent Life on Other Worlds. Environmental Humanities, 9(2), 433–453. https://doi.org/10.1215/22011919-4215379
Broberg, Gunner and David Dunér. 2017. Prepared for Both: Lund University and the Surrounding World. Lund University. http://intern.shop.lu.se/sv/bocker/prepard-for-both.html
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