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Gibson Ncube

Zimbabwe | South Africa
Department of Modern Foreign Languages
Stellenbosch University
Iso Lomso Fellow:
  • 2019 First Semester
  • 2022 First Semester

Involved in these STIAS projects

The body is an assemblage of not only the physical and the material. The body is a text which is embedded with codes and meanings. There exists solid scholarship on the centrality of screen media in documenting...

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Related publications

Book/Book Chapter

Ncube, Gibson. 2024. (Im)possible Monuments? Gukurahundi and the Politics of Memorialisation in Zimbabwe. In J. S. Sanni & M. Z. Phiri (Eds.), Monuments and Memory in Africa (pp. 114–126). Routledge.

Book/Book Chapter

Ncube, Gibson. 2022. Queer Bodies in African Films. NISC Press/African Humanities Association.

Book/Book Chapter

Msimanga, Mbongeni Jonny, Gibson Ncube and Promise Mkwananzi. 2021. Political Satire and the Mediation of the Zimbabwean Crisis in the Era of the “New Dispensation”: The Case of MAGAMBA TV. In S. Mpofu (Ed.), The Politics of Laughter in the Social Media Age (pp. 43–66). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

Book/Book Chapter

Nyambi, Oliver, Tendai Mangena and Gibson Ncube. (Eds.). 2021. Cultures of Change in Contemporary Zimbabwe. Routledge.

Book/Book Chapter

Ncube, Gibson. 2021. The Role Ubuntu Could Have Played in Restorative Justice in Zimbabwe. In J. Mukuni & J. Tlou (Eds.), Understanding Ubuntu for Enhancing Intercultural Communications (pp. 130–140). IGI Global.

Journal Article

Ncube, Gibson. 2021. Frottage: Frictions of Intimacy across the Black Diaspora (Keguro Macharia). Tydskrif Vir Letterkunde, 58(1), 172–174.

Journal Article

Ncube, Gibson. 2021. Skin and Silence in Selected Maghrebian Queer Films. Journal of African Cultural Studies, 33(1), 51–66.

Book/Book Chapter

Ncube, Gibson and Gwatisira Yemurai. 2020. Discrimination Against Female Politicians on Social Media: An Analysis of Tweets in the Run-Up to the July 2018 Harmonised Elections in Zimbabwe. In Social Media and Elections in Africa, Volume 2 (pp. 59–76). Cham: Springer International Publishing.

Journal Article

Ncube, Gibson. 2020. Eternal mothers, whores or witches: The oddities of being a woman in politics in Zimbabwe. Agenda, 1–9.

Journal Article

Ncube, Gibson. 2020. “Human Beings Have a Hard Time Relating to That Which Does Not Resemble Them”: Queering Normativity in Nnedi Okorafor’s Lagoon. Scrutiny2, 1–13.

Journal Article

Ncube, Gibson. 2019. Gender and naming practices, and the creation of a taxonomy of masculinities in the South African soap opera The Queen. Nomina Africana, 33(1), 1–8.

Journal Article

Ncube, Gibson. 2019. Self-Imposed Exile, Marginality, and Homosexuality in the Novels of Abdellah Taïa, Rachid O., and Eyet-Chékib Djaziri. Journal of Homosexuality, 1–16. 

Book/Book Chapter

Ncube, Gibson. 2019. Women and North African Literatures. In The Palgrave Handbook of African Women’s Studies (pp. 1–17). Cham: Springer International Publishing.


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