Marc Bossuyt
Involved in these STIAS projects
Related publications
Bossuyt, Marc. 2015. À Propos de « Le Juge Belge Devant Le Droit International et Le Droit Communautaire » de Michel Waelbroeck (1965-II). Belgian Review of International Law 48(1–2):116–27.
Bossuyt, Marc. 2016. Categorical Rights and Vulnerable Groups: Moving Away from the Universal Human Being. The George Washington International Law Review 48(4):717–42.
Bossuyt, Marc. 2016. Difficult Relations between Constitutional Courts and Supreme Courts: The Case of Belgium. Pp. 213–25 in Estudos em Homenagem ao Conselheiro Presidente Rui Moura Ramos Volume II. Coimbra: Almedina.
Bossuyt, Marc. 2016. International Human Rights Protection: Balanced, Critical, Realistic. Cambridge-Antwerp-Portland: Intersentia.
Bossuyt, Marc. 2017. The Constitutional Court of South Africa and Affirmative Action. In la [CVDW]. Liber Amicoorum Chris Van den Wyngaert. pp. 37–54. Antwerp: Maklu.
Bossuyt, Marc. 2017. Individual Communications under Article 14 of the ICERD. In A. Pedone (Ed.), Réciprocité et Universalité: Sources et Régimes du droit international des droits de l’homme (En l’honneur du Professeur Emmanuel Decaux) pp. 1023–1038) Paris.
Bossuyt, Marc 2018. The UN Optional Protocol on the Abolition of the Death Penalty. Margaret M. DeGuzman and Diane Marie Amann, Eds., Arcs of Global Justice (Essays in Honour of William A. Schabas). pp. 109-115. Vol. 1. New York: Oxford University Press.
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