This is a pivotal moment for the study of slavery, in historical and contemporary form across a range of comparative law contexts. In historical form, United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Gutteres...
This project thinks through the space of the lift as urban affective infrastructure in Johannesburg over the 20th century. Using archival research, newspaper accounts, literary representations, films and...
Sign languages, the visual-gestural languages of Deaf communities, lack a written form. Therefore, until recently, it was not possible to “capture” these languages. The advent of digitised video recordings,...
This book project follows the symbiotic atmospheric pathways that connect plant and human breath to develop forms of cultural theorizing accountable to an increasingly climate-deranged world. By expanding...
Any serious study of the Indic ideas of freedom must begin with acknowledging the centrality accorded to order in a polity. This preoccupation is underlined by the supremacy of the `kingly duty-punishment’...
Judge Radhabinod Pal is a forgotten man in international law. Pal is best known as the author of an impassioned dissenting judgment in the Tokyo trials after World War II, finding each of the Japanese...
Dogon Muslims and “pagan” saints are key figures emblematic of the dramatic social transformations Mali has witnessed since the mid-20th century. They are also often alleged to be oxymorons, that is,...
Over 1.3 million women are each year diagnosed with one of three major gynecologic cancers, ovarian  cancer, endometrial cancer or cervical cancer. The burden of these cancers is increasing worldwide, ...
Mental disorders such as Schizophrenia affect up to 5 million in Africa and epilepsy is the most widespread neurological disorder on the continent. Despite these impressive numbers the research and funding...
How do we come to know what we think we know? What evidence do we use to shape what we conceive of as truth? How does who we are—our positionality—impact how we read and make sense of the world around...
Reconceptualization of socio-cultural climate change maladaptation in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) demands a nuanced understanding of regions diverse social, cultural and environmental contexts. Concerns exist...
This project brings together chapters written by 17 women former guerrillas from uMkhonto we Sizwe, the African National Congress military wing and the Azanian People’s Liberation Army (APLA) and...