The annual increase in the global population worldwide puts pressure on the food systems to avail enough food for all global citizens. Within the foods mostly consumed are those with a short life span,...
The use of wastewater epidemiology approach has been on the rise recently due to its cost effectiveness and ability to identify emerging chemicals such as pesticides from wastewater. Numerous studies have...
Digital inclusion is a real concern when dealing with low-skilled, low-literate people who only speak oral languages. While efforts are made to avoid them to be “left-behind” in terms of connectivity,...
The Sultanate of Oman is in a unique geographical location, at the Southeastern corner of the Arabian Peninsula. Historically, it has a strong sea-faring tradition, taking advantage of the monsoon winds...
Who and what we are as humans have always been controversial questions. People differ not only about the is of humankind (what humans are and do in fact), but also about the ought of a humane humanity...
Some commentators have aptly called Russia’s Ukraine war a “war of obsession.” Indeed, Russian President Vladimir Putin appears to be genuinely obsessed with Ukraine. The decision to attack Russia’s...
Diophantine equations appear when one searches for solutions of algebraic equations in two or more variables which are easy to represent as numbers like integers, or fractions. In the simplest case non-trivial...
Globally, mental illness is more responsible for extreme distress than poverty or unemployment, and, to compound the problem, mental illness interacts with poverty and unemployment in socially and economically...
Memory plays an important role in many real-life situations; in particular, it is obvious that remembering past experiences affects future choices. Psychological research supports the intuition that extreme...
How did a film, a workshop, an anthology, and a department promote decolonization and steal its potential at the same time? Assembling the Postcolony explores the strange and surprising convergence of...
Bioarchaeology is the study of human remains found in archaeological contexts, also taking these contexts into account to help understand humans on the landscape. The information on any specific archaeological...
This project focuses on the unique position of South Africa and the Afrikaner minority within the narratives and imaginaries of contemporary transnational radical right-wing movements. It investigates...