Journal Article

Dalu, Tatenda, Ross N. Cuthbert and Ryan J. Wasserman. 2022. Limited plankton community shifts over winter inundation events in Austral temporary wetlands. Chemistry and Ecology, 38(6), 586–601.

Journal Article

Meir, Ephraim. 2022. Gandhi and Buber on Individual and Collective Transformation. Religions, 13(7), 600.

Journal Article

Allais, Lucy. 2022. Humanness and Harmony: Thad Metz on Ubuntu. Philosophical Papers, 51(2), 203–237.

Book/Book Chapter

Ochola, Jerry and Michele Conti. 2022. Numerical Investigation of Braided Structure Potential as a Cast for Femur Shaft Fracture. In Next-Generation Textiles [Working Title]. IntechOpen.

Journal Article

Dalu, Tatenda, Tongayi Mwedzi, Ryan J, Wasserman, Takudzwa C. Madzivanzira, Tamuka Nhiwatiwa and Ross N. Cuthbert. 2022. Land use effects on water quality, habitat, and macroinvertebrate and diatom communities in African highland streams. Science of The Total Environment, 846, 157346.

Journal Article

Dalu, Tatenda, Ross N. Cuthbert, Lufuno Makhuvha Farai Dondofema and Ryan J. Wasserman. 2022. Assessing variation in below-ground organic matter dynamics in the Ramsar-declared Nylsvley Wetland system, South Africa. Chemistry and Ecology, 38(7), 617–635.

Book/Book Chapter

Wynn, Graeme, Jane Carruthers and Nancy J. Jacobs. (Eds.). 2022. Environment, Power, and Justice: Southern African Histories. Ohio University Press.

Book/Book Chapter

Bezuidenhout, Andries, Sonwabile Mnwana and Karl von Holdt. (Eds). 2022. Critical Engagement with Public Sociology: A Perspective from the Global South. Bristol University Press (BUP).

Journal Article

Dalu, Mwazvita T. B., Onica Mukhuwana, Ross Cuthbert, Thomas Marambanyika, Ashley W. Gunter, Florence M. Murungweni and Tatenda Dalu. 2022. Understanding communities’ perceptions, demographics and uses of wetlands in Vhembe Biosphere Reserve, South Africa. Wetlands Ecology and Management, 30(6), 1231–1244.


Journal Article

Macnab, Andrew. 2022. Covid 19: health promotion strategies suited to further global containment of the pandemic. Journal of Human Virology & Retrovirology, 9(2), 44–47.

Journal Article

Bu, Qingxiu. 2022. Multijurisdictional Prosecution of Multinational Corporations: Double Jeopardy vis-à-vis Sovereign Rights in the Globalized Anti-bribery Regime. International Annals of Criminology, 60(2), 269–295.

Journal Article

Phiri, Aretha and Michelle M. Wright. 2023. Interview: ‘The elephant in the room’: talking (physics of) blackness with Michelle M. Wright. Cultural Studies, 37(2), 333–340.