Journal Article

Sanctis, Vincenzo de, Ashraf T. Soliman, Shahina Daar, Ploutarchos Tzoulis, Bernadette Fiscina and Christos Kattamis. 2022. Retrospective observational studies: Lights and shadows for medical writers. Acta Biomedica2, 93, e2022319.

Journal Article

Brooks, Daniel R., Walter A. Boeger and Eric P. Hoberg. 2022. The Stockholm Paradigm: Lessons for the Emerging Infectious Disease Crisis. MANTER: Journal of Parasite Biodiversity.

Book/Book Chapter

Eze, Chielozona. 2022. Narratives, social justice, and the common good. In Epistemic Justice and Creative Agency (pp. 23–43). Routledge.

Book/Book Chapter

Phiri, Aretha. 2022. The Ludic Impulse: Race Narratives ‘at play’ in Toni Morrison’s Playing in the Dark and Zoë Wicomb’s Playing in the Light. In S. Colvin & S. Galasso (Eds.), Epistemic Justice and Creative Agency (pp. 151–175). Routledge.


Journal Article

Auerbach, Jess. 2022. Expanding Available Futures: Ideological Contestation in Angola’s Emerging Higher Education Sector. Comparative Education Review, 66(1), 142–160.

Book/Book Chapter

Kalula, Evance and Chanda Chungu. 2022. African Perspectives on Labor Rights as Enhancers of Democratic Governance. In The Cambridge Handbook of Labor and Democracy (pp. 250–262). Cambridge University Press.

Journal Article

Laltaika, Elifuraha. 2021. Constitutional Protection of Natural Resources in Tanzania: Examining Principles, Paucity and Conundrums. TUMA Law Review, 7(1), 1–31.

Book/Book Chapter

Msimanga, Mbongeni Jonny, Gibson Ncube and Promise Mkwananzi. 2021. Political Satire and the Mediation of the Zimbabwean Crisis in the Era of the “New Dispensation”: The Case of MAGAMBA TV. In S. Mpofu (Ed.), The Politics of Laughter in the Social Media Age (pp. 43–66). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

Book/Book Chapter

Lentz, Carola and Isidore Lobnibe. 2022. Imagining Futures: Memory and Belonging in an African Family. Indiana University Press.

Journal Article

Lombard, Marlize and Peter Gärdenfors. 2021. Causal Cognition and Theory of Mind in Evolutionary Cognitive Archaeology. Biological Theory.

Book/Book Chapter

LeBaron, Michelle. 2021. Women awake. In Gender, Transitional Justice and Memorial Arts (pp. 172–192). Routledge.

Journal Article

Grobbelaar, Lize M., Chantelle Venter, Mare Vlok, Malebogo Ngoepe, Gert Jacobus Laubscher, Petrus Johannes Lourens, Janami Steenkamp, Douglass B. Kell and Etheresia Pretorius. 2021. SARS-CoV-2 spike protein S1 induces fibrin(ogen) resistant to fibrinolysis: implications for microclot formation in COVID-19. Bioscience Reports, 41(8).