Journal Article

Nwankwọ, Izuu. 2022. Ambivalence in the stand-up acts of Nigeria’s Klint da Drunk and Mr Paul. Journal of the African Literature Association, 16(2), 332–347.


Book/Book Chapter

Lettau, Meike, Christopher Yusufu Mtaku and Eric Debrah Otchere. 2022. Performing Sustainability in West Africa Cultural Practices and Policies for Sustainable Development. Routledge.

Journal Article

Manase, Irikidzayi and Thabisani Ndlovu. 2022. Pandemic Literatures and Being Human in Times of Mass Infection and Catastrophe: Some African Perspectives. Journal of Literary Studies, 38(1).

Journal Article

Eriksen, Thomas Hylland. 2022. The Sustainability of an Anthropology of the Anthropocene. Sustainability, 14(6), 3674.

Book/Book Chapter

Bogardi, Janos J., Joyeeta Gupta, Wasantha K. D. Nandalal, Léna Salamé, Ronald R. P van Nooijen, Navneet Kumar, Tawatchai Tingsanchali, Anik Bhaduri and Alla G. Kolechkina. (Eds.). 2021. Handbook of Water Resources Management: Discourses, Concepts and Examples. Springer International Publishing.

Book/Book Chapter

Tunca, Daria and Izuu Nwankwọ. 2022. “Confronting Racism in Cécile Djunga and Trevor Noah’s Stand-up Comedy.” In Stand-up Comedy in Africa: Humour in Popular Languages and Media. Ed. I. Nwankwọ, 45-66. Stuttgart: ibidem-Verlag.

Book/Book Chapter

Nwankwọ, Izuu. 2022. “Introduction – Old Wine in a New Bottle: Stand-up Comedy and Its Dispersal across Africa.” In Stand-up Comedy in Africa: Humour in Popular Languages and Media. Ed. I. Nwankwọ, 11-42. Stuttgart: ibidem-Verlag.

Book/Book Chapter

Nwankwọ, Izuu. Ed. 2022. Stand-up Comedy in Africa: Humour in Popular Languages and Media. Stuttgart: ibidem-Verlag.

Book/Book Chapter

Nwankwọ, Izuu. 2021. Yabbing and Wording: The Artistry of Nigerian Stand-up Comedy. Makhanda, South Africa: NISC Press/African Humanities Association.

Journal Article

Nwankwọ, Izuu. 2022. Self-censorship and Shifting Cognitions of Offence in the Stand-up Acts of Basket Mouth and Trevor Noah. Journal of African Cultural Studies, 34(2), 129–142.

Journal Article

Nwankwọ, Izuu. 2021. Joke performance mechanics in Nigerian stand-up comedy. South African Theatre Journal, 34(2), 99–112.

Journal Article

Olayinka Unuabonah, Foluke. 2022. Afrikaans discourse-pragmatic features in South African English. Lingua, 103309.