Book/Book Chapter

Tamale, Sylvia. 2020. Decolonization and Afro-Feminism. Daraja Press.

Book/Book Chapter

Brink, Chris. (Ed.). 2021. Responsive University and the Crisis in South Africa. BRILL.

Journal Article

DeBrota, John B., Christopher A. Fuchs, Jacques. L. Pienaar and Blake C Stacey. 2021. Born’s rule as a quantum extension of Bayesian coherence. Physical Review A, 104(2), 022207.

Journal Article

DeBrota, John B., Christopher A. Fuchs and Blake C Stacey, B. C. 2020. Symmetric informationally complete measurements identify the irreducible difference between classical and quantum systems. Physical Review Research, 2(1), 013074.

Journal Article

Fuchs, Christopher A., N. David Mermin and Rüdiger Schack. 2014. An introduction to QBism with an application to the locality of quantum mechanics. American Journal of Physics, 82(8), 749–754.

Book/Book Chapter

Nyambi, Oliver, Tendai Mangena and Gibson Ncube. (Eds.). 2021. Cultures of Change in Contemporary Zimbabwe. Routledge.

Book/Book Chapter

Niskanen, Kirsti and Michael J. Barany. (Eds.). 2021. Gender, Embodiment, and the History of the Scholarly Persona. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.



Journal Article

Palaver, Wolfgang. 2021. Gandhi’s Militant Nonviolence in the Light of Girard’s Mimetic Anthropology. Religions, 12(11), 988.


Journal Article

Musallam, Khaled M., Angela Vitrano, Antonella Meloni, Sebastiano Addario Pollina, Vito Di Marco, Saqib Hussain Ansari, Aldo Filosa, Paolo Ricchi, Adriana Ceci, Shahina Daar, Efthymia Vlachaki, Sylvia T. Singer, Zaki A. Naserullah, Alessia Pepe, Salvatore Scondotto, Gabriella Dardanoni, Mehran Karimi, Amal El‐Beshlawy, Mahmoud Hajipour, Fedele Bonifazi, Elliott Vichinsky, Ali T. Taher, Vijay G. Sankaran, Aurelio Maggio. 2021. Primary HBB gene mutation severity and long‐term outcomes in a global cohort of β‐thalassaemia. British Journal of Haematology.

Journal Article

Neocosmos, Michael. 2021. Popular Sovereignty versus State Sovereignty: Haiti, Popular Equality and the Birth of the Neocolonial State. Journal of Asian and African Studies, 002190962110558.

Journal Article

Meir, Ephraim. 2021. The Non-Violent Liberation Theologies of Abraham Joshua Heschel and Mahatma Gandhi. Religions, 12(10), 855.