Journal Article

Mtintsilana, Asanda, Lisa K. Micklesfield, Elin Chorell, Tommy Olsson, Nitin Shivappa, James R. Hebert Andre P. Kengne and Julia H. Goedecke. 2019. Adiposity Mediates the Association between the Dietary Inflammatory Index and Markers of Type 2 Diabetes Risk in Middle-Aged Black South African Women. Nutrients, 11(6), 1246.

Journal Article

Nono Nankam, Pamela A., Amy E. Mendham, Melony F. De Smidt, Dheshnie Keswell, Tommy Olsson, Matthias Blüher and Julia H. Goedecke. 2020. Changes in systemic and subcutaneous adipose tissue inflammation and oxidative stress in response to exercise training in obese black African women. The Journal of Physiology, 598(3), 503–515.

Journal Article

Mendham, Amy E., Steen Larsen, Cindy George, Kevin Adams, Jon Hauksson, Tommy Olsson, T., Melony C Fortuin-de Smidt, Pamela A Nono Nankam, Olaf Hakim, Louise M. Goff, Carmen Pheiffer and Julia H. Goedecke. 2020. Exercise training results in depot-specific adaptations to adipose tissue mitochondrial function. Scientific Reports, 10(1), 3785.

Journal Article

Nono Nankam, Pamela A., Paul J. van Jaarsveld, Elin Chorell, Melony C. Fortuin-de Smidt, Kevin Adams, Matthias Blüher, Tommy Olsson, Amy E. Mendham and Julia H. Goedecke. 2020. Circulating and Adipose Tissue Fatty Acid Composition in Black South African Women with Obesity: A Cross-Sectional Study. Nutrients, 12(6), 1619.

Journal Article

Fortuin-de Smidt, Melony C., Amy E. Mendham, Jon Hauksson, Olaf Hakim, Darko Stefanovski, Louise Clamp, Lindokuhle Phiri, Jeroen Swart, Louise M Goff, Lisa K. Micklesfield, Steven E. Kahn, Tommy Olsson and Julia Goedecke. 2020. Effect of exercise training on insulin sensitivity, hyperinsulinemia and ectopic fat in black South African women: a randomized controlled trial. European Journal of Endocrinology, 183(1), 51–61.

Journal Article

Goedecke, Julia H. and Tommy Olsson. 2020. Pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes risk in black Africans: a South African perspective. Journal of Internal Medicine, 288(3), 284–294.

Journal Article

Goedecke, Julia H., Elin Chorell, Paul J. van Jaarsveld, Ulf  Risérus and Tommy Olsson. 2021. Fatty Acid Metabolism and Associations with Insulin Sensitivity Differs Between Black and White South African Women. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 106(1), e140–e151.

Journal Article

Mendham, Amy E., Julia H. Goedecke, Yingxu Zeng, Steen Larsen, Cindy George, Jon Hauksson, Melony C Fortuin-de Smidt, M. C., Alexander V. Chibalin, Tommy Olsson and Elin Chorell. 2021. Exercise training improves mitochondrial respiration and is associated with an altered intramuscular phospholipid signature in women with obesity. Diabetologia.

Book/Book Chapter

Heymann, Jody, Aleta Sprague and Amy Raub. 2020. Advancing Equality: How Constitutional Rights Can Make a Difference Worldwide. University of California Press.

Book/Book Chapter

Breier, Mignonne. 2021. Bloody Sunday. Tafelberg. 

Journal Article

Schneider, Ben Ross. 2021. Teacher Unions, Political Machines, and the Thorny Politics of Education Reform in Latin America. Politics & Society, 003232922110027.

Book/Book Chapter

Rocha, Gustavo R., Dean Rickles and Florian J. Boge. 2021. A Brief Historical Perspective on the Consistent Histories Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics. In O. F. Junior (Ed.), Oxford Handbook of the History of Interpretations of Quantum Physics. Oxford University Press.