Journal Article

Shadgan B, Afshar K, Stothers L, Macnab AJ. 2010. Near-infrared spectroscopy of the bladder: a new technique for studying lower urinary tract function in health and disease. Photonic Therapeutics and Diagnostics VI, edited by N. Kollias, B. Choi, et al. Proc. of SPIE, 7548, 75480U-1/7

Book/Book Chapter

Philippe Van Haute, Tomas Geyskens. 2010. De Kunst van een Onmogelijk Genot: Klinische antropologie van de hysterie bij Freud en Lacan. Utrecht: Uitgeverij Ijzer. 198 pp

Book/Book Chapter

Leon Wessels. 2010. Vereeniging: Die onvoltooide vrede. Cape Town: Umuzi/Random House Struik. 367 pp

Book/Book Chapter

Raenette Taljaard. 2010. Building a public service that can deliver change. In Neeta Misra-Dexter and Judith February (editors). Testing Democracy: Which way is South Africa going? Idasa’s Democracy Index, Cape Town: ABC Press

Book/Book Chapter

Pumla Gobodo-Madikizela. 2010. Dealing with Trauma and Guilt in the Aftermath of Mass Atrocity: Making Public Spaces Intimate. Duke University Press (in press)

Book/Book Chapter

Antony Altbeker. 2010. Fruit from a poisoned tree. Johannesburg: Jonathan Ball Publishers SA. 320 pp

Book/Book Chapter

Antjie Krog. 2010. Begging to be Black. Cape Town: Random House Struik. 288 pp

Book/Book Chapter

Rosemary J. Coombe. 2010. Cultural Agencies: The ‘Construction’ of Community Subjects & their Traditions. In Mario Biagioli, Peter Jaszi, and Martha Woodmansee, eds., The Making and Unmaking of Intellectual Property Law. Chicago: University of Chicago Press

Book/Book Chapter

Paul Cilliers and Rika Preiser (editors). 2010. Complexity, Difference and Identity— an ethical perspective. Heidelberg, New York, London: Springer Verlag, 300 pp.

Book/Book Chapter

Mamadou Diawarwa, Bernard C Lategan & Jörn Rüsen (editors). 2010. Historical Memory in Africa. Dealing with the past, reaching for the future in an intercultural context. New York: Berghahn, 276 pp.

Book/Book Chapter

Ursula J van Beek (editor). 2010. Democracy under Scrutiny: Elites, citizens, cultures. Barbara Budrich Publishers (Leverkusen Opladen), 300 pp.


Pumla Gobodo-Madikizela. 2011. Forgiveness and the Maternal Body: An African Ethics of Interconnectedness. The Fetzer Institute: Essays on Exploring a Global Dream, Spring 2011, Essay Number 5 (John Wiley and Sons) 40 pp