Book/Book Chapter

Paul Cilliers and Rika Preiser (editors). 2010. Complexity, Difference and Identity— an ethical perspective. Heidelberg, New York, London: Springer Verlag, 300 pp.

Book/Book Chapter

Mamadou Diawarwa, Bernard C Lategan & Jörn Rüsen (editors). 2010. Historical Memory in Africa. Dealing with the past, reaching for the future in an intercultural context. New York: Berghahn, 276 pp.

Book/Book Chapter

Ursula J van Beek (editor). 2010. Democracy under Scrutiny: Elites, citizens, cultures. Barbara Budrich Publishers (Leverkusen Opladen), 300 pp.


Pumla Gobodo-Madikizela. 2011. Forgiveness and the Maternal Body: An African Ethics of Interconnectedness. The Fetzer Institute: Essays on Exploring a Global Dream, Spring 2011, Essay Number 5 (John Wiley and Sons) 40 pp

Journal Article

Jonathan C. Howard, Julia P. Hunna and Tobias Steinfeldt. 2011. The IRG protein-based resistance mechanism in mice and its relation to virulence in Toxoplasma gondii. Current Opinion in Microbiology, 15 (invited review, in press)

Journal Article

Wayne M. Getz and Norman Owen-Smith. 2011. Consumer-resource dynamics: quantity, quality, and allocation. Ecological Monographs, Concepts and Synthesis Articles. PLoS One, 6 (1): e14539 (Public Library of Science, online) 18 pp

Journal Article

Andrew Macnab, Arabat Kasangaki, and Faith Gagnon. 2011. Health Promoting Schools Provide Community-Based Learning Opportunities Conducive to Careers in Rural Practice. International Journal of Family Medicine, Article ID 892518, 5 pp

Journal Article

Robert Owen, Jeandrew Brink, Kip S. Thorne et al. 2011. Frame-Dragging Vortexes and Tidal Tendexes Attached to Colliding Black Holes: Visualizing the Curvature of Spacetime. Physical Review Letters, 106, 151101-1/4

Journal Article

Wayne M. Getz. 2011. Biomass transformation webs provide a unified approach to consumer–resource modelling. Ecology Letters, 14, pp. 113–124

Journal Article

Olaf Wolkenhauer, Darryl K Shibata, Mihajlo D Mesarovi? 2011. A stem cell niche dominance theorem. BMC Systems Biology, 5 (4), 16 pp.

Book/Book Chapter

John De Gruchy (editor). 2011. The Humanist Imperative in South Africa. SUN MeDIA.

Journal Article

Huber, Wolfgang. 2012. Ethics in Pluralism Lecture in honor of defiance on his 80th Rendtorff Birthday. ZEITSCHRIFT FUR EVANGELISCHE ETHIK, 55 (3). pp. 168-178