Jones, Nicholaos; Wolkenhauer, Olaf. 2012. Diagrams as locality aids for explanation and model construction in cell biology. BIOLOGY & PHILOSOPHY, 27 (5), pp. 705-721. DOI: 10.1007/s10539-012-9311-9
Mastoroudes, Heleni; Giarenis, Ilias; Vella, Maria; Macnab, Andrew et al. 2012. Use of Near Infrared Spectroscopy as an Alternative to Videourodynamics to Detect Detrusor Overactivity in Women With the Overactive Bladder Syndrome. UROLOGY, 80 (3), pp 547-550. DOI:10.1016/j.urology.2012.05.036
Frank I Michelman. 2012. Liberal Constitutionalism, property Rights, and the Assault on poverty. Stellenbosch Law Review, 22 (3), pp 706–723
Nancy Fraser. 2012. Social exclusion, global poverty, and scales of (in)justice : rethinking law and poverty in a globalizing world. Stellenbosch Law Review, 22 (3), pp 452–462
Bob Hepple. 2012. Negotiating Social Change in the Shadow of the Law. Stellenbosch Law Review, 23 (2), pp 248–273
Paul Cilliers and Basarab Nicolescu. 2012. Complexity and transdisciplinarity – Discontinuity, levels of Reality and the Hidden Third. Futures, (44), pp 711–718.
N David Mermin. 2012. Quantum Mechanics: Fixing the Shifty Split. Physics Today, 65 (7), pp 8–10
Nina Jablonski. 2012. The struggle to overcome racism. New Scientist, Opinion: The Big Idea. 4pp
Philippe Van Hauite and Tomas Geyskens. 2012. A Non-Oedipal Psychoanalysis?: A Clinical Anthropology of Hysteria in the Works of Freud and Lacan (Figures of the Unconscious). Leuven University Press. 180 pp. ISBN-10: 905867911X
Jaap Spier. 2012. Shaping the Law for Global Crises. Eleven International Publishing. 292 pp. ISBN-10: 9490947431
Jean Comaroff and John L. Comaroff. 2012. Theory from the South: Or, How Euro-America is Evolving Toward Africa (The Radical Imagination). Paradigm Publishers. 272 pp. ISBN-10: 1594517649
Deirdre N. McCloskey. 2011. Bourgeois Dignity: Why Economics Can’t Explain the Modern World. University Of Chicago Press. 592 pp. ISBN-10: 0226556654