Journal Article

Abdallah S. Daar, Marian Jacobs, Stig Wall, Johann Groenewald, Julian Eaton, Vikram Patel, Palmira dos Santos, Ashraf Kagee, Anik Gevers, Charlene Sunkel, Gail Andrews, Ingrid Daniels, David Ndetei. 2014. Declaration on mental health in Africa: moving to implementation. Global Health Action, 7: 24589, 4pp.

Journal Article

G Chaplin, NG Jablonski, RW Sussman and EA Kelley. 2014. The role of piloerection in primate thermoregulation. Folia Primatologica, 85 (1), 1-17. doi: 10.1159/000355007

Journal Article

Duncan Brown. 2014. Reimagining South African Literature. Journal of Southern African Studies, 40 (5), 1109-1123

Journal Article

Paul R. Brandon, Nick L. Smith, Zenda Ofir, Zenda and Marco Noordeloos. 2014. Monitoring and Evaluation of African Women in Agricultural Research and Development (AWARD): An Exemplar of Managing for Impact in Development Evaluation. American Journal of Evaluation, 35 (1), 128-143

Journal Article

Mohammad Bardi, Andrea Burbank et al and Andrew J. Macnab. 2014. Activities for engaging schools in health promotion. Health Education, 114 (4), 271 – 280

Book/Book Chapter

Frans Swanepoel, Zenda Ofir and Aldo Stroebel (Editors). 2014. Towards Impact and Resilience: Transformative Change In and Through Agricultural Education and Training in Sub-Saharan Africa. Cambridge Scholars Publishing (Newcastle upon Tyne, 550 pp). ISBN: 978-1-4438-5680-5

Book/Book Chapter

Robert Ross. 2014. The Borders of Race in Colonial South Africa. Cambridge University Press (Cambridge, xvii + 340 pp). ISBN: 978-1-107-04249-0

Book/Book Chapter

Susan Parnell and Edgar Pieterse (Editors). 2014. Africa’s Urban Revolution. Zed Books (London & New York, x + 309 pp). ISBN: 978-1-78-032520-0

Book/Book Chapter

Frederick A. Murphy. 2014. The Foundations of Virology. Infinity Publishing (West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania, 574 pp). ISBN-13: 978-0741473653

Book/Book Chapter

Gerhard Maré. 2014. Declassified. Jacana Media (Auckland Park, 200 pp). ISBN: 978-1-4314-2020-99

Book/Book Chapter

Reiner Klingholz. 2014. Sklaven des Wachstums. Campus Verlag (Frankfurt am Main, 348 pp). ISBN: 978-3-593-39798-6

Book/Book Chapter

Deborah James. 2014. Money From Nothing: Indebtedness and Aspiration in South Africa. Stanford University Press (Palo Alto) and Wits Press (Johannesburg), 304 pp. ISBN: 978-0-804-79267-7