Andrew MacNab
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Macnab, A. J., Besigye, I., & Tusubira, B. 2024. “We can make it better you and I” : How Ugandan girls raised awareness of sexual and gender related violence. GHMJ (Global Health Management Journal), 7(3), 148–155. https://doi.org/10.35898/ghmj-731143
Macnab, A. J., Besigye, I., & Tusubira, B. 2024. Sexual and gender-related violence against girls in sub-Saharan Africa: a need for effective interventions. Academia Mental Health and Well-Being, 1(3). https://doi.org/10.20935/MHealthWellB7365
Macnab, Andrew. 2022. How to Write Up and Publish Novel Research. International Journal of Clinical Studies and Medical Case Reports, 22(5). https://doi.org/10.46998/IJCMCR.2022.22.000550
Macnab, Andrew J. 2022. How to write up and publish your scientific research. GHMJ (Global Health Management Journal), 5(2), 88–91. https://doi.org/10.35898/ghmj-52930
Macnab, Andrew. 2022. Covid 19: health promotion strategies suited to further global containment of the pandemic. Journal of Human Virology & Retrovirology, 9(2), 44–47. https://medcraveonline.com/JHVRV/JHVRV-09-00247.pdf
Stothers, Lynn, Jennifer A. Locke, Marwa Abdulaziz, Darren Lazare, Alex Kavanagh and Andrew Macnab. 2021. Standing open magnetic resonance imaging improves detection and staging of pelvic organ prolapse. Canadian Urological Association Journal, 16(1). https://doi.org/10.5489/cuaj.7244
Macnab, Andrew. 2023. Would the fetus drawn by Leonardo da Vinci have delivered by the breech? Archives of Disease in Childhood – Fetal and Neonatal Edition, 108(1), 85–86. https://doi.org/10.1136/archdischild-2022-324261
Ajeigbe, Olufunke, Getachew Arage, Michael Besong, Winnie Chacha, Rachana Desai, Phidelia Doegah, Twaambo E Hamoonga, Hawawu Hussein, Andrew Matchado, Sthembile Mbotwe-Sibanda, Gudani Mukoma, Adeyinka Odebode, Tolulope Olawole, Merling Phaswana, Oluwakemi Rotimi, Takana Mary Silubonde, Nomsa Thabethe, Anza Thiba, Nicholas Ekow Thomford, Frederick Wekesah and Andrew MacNab. 2022. Culturally relevant COVID-19 vaccine acceptance strategies in sub-Saharan Africa. The Lancet Global Health, 10(8), e1090–e1091. https://doi.org/10.1016/S2214-109X(22)00251-0
Health in Transition: Translating developmental origins of health and disease science to improve future health in Africa
Andrew J Macnab, Abdallah Daar & Christoff Pauw (Editors)
AFRICAN SUN MeDIA (2020, 350pp) ISBN: 978-1-928480-44-0
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Macnab, Andrew J., Lynn Stothers, John E. Speich, John and Adam Klausner. 2019. Evaluation of cortical neuroexcitation in urinary urgency using simultaneous near infrared spectroscopy of the brain and bladder with quantification of sensation. In R. A. Lieberman, F. Baldini, & J. Homola (Eds.), Optical Sensors 2019 (p. 129). SPIE. https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2531668
Macnab, Andrew J., Isabelle van Dongen, Mathijs Bronkhorst and Lynn Stothers. 2020. Simultaneous functional near infrared spectroscopy of the brain and bladder. In Babak Shadgan and Amir H. Gandjbakhche (Eds.), Biophotonics in Exercise Science, Sports Medicine, Health Monitoring Technologies, and Wearables (p. 28). SPIE. https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2543657
Aria, Wais, Josephine De Freitas, Maggie Francis and Andrew Macnab. 2019. Engaging Afghan men at a societal level to increase women’s access to contraception. Medicine Anthropology Theory | An Open-Access Journal in the Anthropology of Health, Illness, and Medicine, 6(4), 152–165. https://doi.org/10.17157/mat.6.4.732
Shadgan, Babak, Andrew Macnab, Allen Fong, Neda Manouchehri, Kitty So, Katelyn Shortt, Femke Streijger, Eric C Sayre, Guy A Dumont, Roberto Pagano, Kyoung-Tae Kim, Brian K Kwon. 2019. Optical Assessment of Spinal Cord Tissue Oxygenation Using a Miniaturized Near Infrared Spectroscopy Sensor. Journal of Neurotrauma, 36(21), 3034–3043. https://doi.org/10.1089/neu.2018.6208
Andrew Macnab, Arabat Kasangaki, and Faith Gagnon. 2011. Health Promoting Schools Provide Community-Based Learning Opportunities Conducive to Careers in Rural Practice. International Journal of Family Medicine, Article ID 892518, 5 pp
Macnab, Andrew John; Shadgan, Babak; Stothers, Lynn. 2012. The evolution of wireless near infrared spectroscopy applications in urology and rationale for clinical use. JOURNAL OF NEAR INFRARED SPECTROSCOPY, 20 (1). pp. 57-73.
Kasangaki, Arabat; Macnab, Andrew; Cannon, Wendy. 2012. Videotaped interviews as a medium to enhance cross-cultural programme evaluation. HEALTH PROMOTION INTERNATIONAL, 27 (1). pp. 74-81. DOI: 10.1093/heapro/dar098
Macnab, Andrew; Kasangaki, Arabat. 2012. ‘Many voices, one song’: a model for an oral health programme as a first step in establishing a health promoting school. HEALTH PROMOTION INTERNATIONAL, 27 (1). pp. 63-73. DOI: 10.1093/heapro/dar039
Kassanjee, Reshma; McWalter, Thomas A.; Baernighausen, Till; Macnab, Andrew et al. 2012. A New General Biomarker-based Incidence Estimator. EPIDEMIOLOGY, 23 (5). pp. 721-728. DOI:10.1097/EDE.0b013e3182576c07
Mastoroudes, Heleni; Giarenis, Ilias; Vella, Maria; Macnab, Andrew et al. 2012. Use of Near Infrared Spectroscopy as an Alternative to Videourodynamics to Detect Detrusor Overactivity in Women With the Overactive Bladder Syndrome. UROLOGY, 80 (3), pp 547-550. DOI:10.1016/j.urology.2012.05.036
Andrew J. Macnab, Lynn S. Stothers and Babak Shadgan. 2013. Monitoring Detrusor Oxygenation and Hemodynamics Noninvasively during Dysfunctional Voiding. Advances in Urology, 2012 Article ID 676303, 8 pages. doi.org/10.1155/2012/676303
Andrew J Macnab, Donald Stewart and Faith A. Gagnon. 2014. Health promoting schools: initiatives in Africa. Health Education, 114 (4), 246 – 259.
Andrew J Macnab, Faith A. Gagnon, and Donald Stewart. 2014. Health promoting schools: consensus, strategies, and potential. Health Education, 114 (3), 170 – 185
Andrew J Macnab. 2014. The evolution of near infrared spectroscopy in urology. Biomedical Spectroscopy and Imaging, 3, 311-344
Alex Kizito, Meredith Caitlin, Yili Wang, Arabat Kasangaki and Andrew J. Macnab. 2014. Oral health promotion in schools: rationale and evaluation. Health Education, 114 (4), 293 – 303
Shafik Dharamsi, Robert Woollard, Paul Kendal, Isaac Okullo and Andrew J Macnab. 2014. Health promoting schools as learning sites for physicians in-training. Health Education, 114 (3), 186 – 196
Mohammad Bardi, Andrea Burbank et al and Andrew J. Macnab. 2014. Activities for engaging schools in health promotion. Health Education, 114 (4), 271 – 280
Shadgan, Babak, Lynn Stothers, Behnam Molavi, Sharif Mutabazi, Ronald Mukisa, and Andrew Macnab. 2015. Near Infrared Spectroscopy Evaluation of Bladder Function: The Impact of Skin Pigmentation on Detection of Physiologic Change during Voiding. In Proc. SPIE 9303, Photonic Therapeutics and Diagnostics XI. doi:10.1117/12.2077824.
Macnab, Andrew J. 2015. Children’s Oral Health: The Opportunity for Improvement Using the WHO Health Promoting School Model. Advances in Public Health 2015. 1–6. doi:10.1155/2015/651836.
Macnab, Andrew J, Sharif Mutabazi, Ronald Mukisa, Atukwatse M Eliab, Hassan Kigozi, and Rachel Steed. 2016. The Impact on Absence from School of Rapid Diagnostic Testing and Treatment for Malaria by Teachers. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research 15(7):20–37. https://www.ijlter.org/index.php/ijlter/article/view/710
Macnab, Andrew J, Ronald Mukisa, Sharif Mutabazi, and Rachel Steed. 2016. Malaria in Uganda: School-Based Rapid Diagnostic Testing and Treatment. International Journal of Epidemiology. https://academic.oup.com/ije/article-lookup/doi/10.1093/ije/dyw262
Shadgan, Babak, Majid Kajbafzadeh, Mark Nigro, A.M. Kajbafzadeh and Andrew Macnab. 2017. Optical monitoring of testicular torsion using a miniaturized near infrared spectroscopy sensor. In H. W. Kang & K. F. Chan (Eds.) (p. 100380N). https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2248647
Shadgan, Babak, Andrew Macnab, Mark Nigro and Christopher Nguan. 2017. Optical monitoring of kidney oxygenation and hemodynamics using a miniaturized near-infrared sensor. In H. W. Kang & K. F. Chan (Eds.) (p. 100380I). https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2246663
Shadgan, Babak, Brian K. Kwon, Femke Streijger, Neda Manouchehri, Kitty So, Katelyn Shortt, KPeter A. Cripton, Andrew Macnab. 2017. Optical monitoring of spinal cord hemodynamics, a feasibility study. In G. L. Coté (Ed.) (p. 100720T). https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2248776
Stothers, Lynn, Andrew Macnab, Ronald Mukisa, Sharif Mutabazi and Francis Bajunirwe. 2017. Traumatic spinal cord injury in Uganda: a prevention strategy and mechanism to improve home care. International Journal of Epidemiology, 46(4), 1086–1090. https://doi.org/10.1093/ije/dyx058
Stothers, Lynn, Sharif Mutabazi, Francis Bajunirwe and Andrew Macnab. 2017. Comprehension and construct validity of the Visual Prostate Symptom Score (VPSS) by men with obstructive lower urinary tract symp. Canadian Urological Association Journal, 11(11). https://doi.org/10.5489/cuaj.4589
Stothers, Lynn, Andrew J. Macnab, Francis Bajunirwe, Sharif Mutabazi and Jonathan Berkowitz. 2017. Associations between the severity of obstructive lower urinary tract symptoms and care-seeking behavior in rural Africa: A cross-sectional survey from Uganda. PLOS ONE, 12(3), e0173631. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0173631
Stothers, Lynn and Andrew Macnab. 2017. Global implementation of advanced urological care: Policy implementation research. Canadian Urological Association Journal, 11(6), 157. https://doi.org/10.5489/cuaj.4117
Macnab, Andrew. 2017. History teaches everything. Medical Teacher, 39(9), 997–998. https://doi.org/10.1080/0142159X.2016.1270446
Norris, Shane A., Abdallah Daar, Dorairajan Balasubramanian, Peter Byass, Elizabeth Kimani-Murage, Andrew Macnab, Christoff Pauw, Atul Singhal, Chittaranjan Yajnik, James Akazili, Naomi Levitt, Jihene Maatoug, Nolwazi Mkhwanazi, Sophie E. Moore, Moffat Nyirenda, Juliet R. C. Pulliam, Tamsen Rochat, Rihlat Said-Mohamed, Soraya Seedat, Eugene Sobngwi, Mark Tomlinson, Elona Toska, Cari van Schalkwyk. 2017. Understanding and acting on the developmental origins of health and disease in Africa would improve health across generations. Global Health Action, 10(1), 1334985. https://doi.org/10.1080/16549716.2017.1334985
Stothers, Lynn, Emily Deegan, Babak Shadgan, Andrew Macnab, Alex Kavanagh and Mark Nigro, M. 2018. Interactive telemedicine platform for management of neurogenic bladder and urinary tract infection prevention for individuals with traumatic and non-traumatic spinal cord injury. Neurourology and Urodynamics, 37, S575–S575. https://apps.webofknowledge.com/full_record.do?product=WOS&search_mode=GeneralSearch&qid=5&SID=D2NT36w5CWhgRyInkMm&page=1&doc=1
Shadgan, Babak, Andrew Macnab, Roberto Pagano, Guy Dumont and Brian Kwon. 2018. In vivo near infrared (NIRS) sensor attachment using fibrin bioadhesive. In G. L. Coté (Ed.), Optical Diagnostics and Sensing XVIII: Toward Point-of-Care Diagnostics (p. 21). SPIE. https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2286563
Shadgan, Babak, Neda Manouchehri, Kitty So, Katelyn Short, Allan Fong, Femke Streijger, Andrew Macnab, Brien K Kwon. 2018. Optical monitoring of spinal cord subcellular damage after acute spinal cord injury. In G. L. Coté (Ed.), Optical Diagnostics and Sensing XVIII: Toward Point-of-Care Diagnostics (p. 20). SPIE. https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2286551
Macnab, Andrew J., and Mukisa, Ronald. 2018. Reducing the global burden of poor oral health through school-based programmes. International Journal of Epidemiology. https://doi.org/10.1093/ije/dyy180
MacNab, Andrew J., and Ronald Mukisa. 2018. Priorities for African youth for engaging in DOHaD. Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease, 9(1), 15–19. http://doi.org/10.1017/S2040174417000423
MacNab, Andrew J., Abdallah S. Daar, S. Norris, and J. C. Pauw. 2018. Advancing the DOHaD agenda in Africa. Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease, 9(1), 2–4. http://doi.org/10.1017/S2040174417001052
Deegan, Emily, Lynn Stothers, Darren Lazare Andrew Macnab. 2018. Application of near infrared spectroscopy to characterize hemodynamics of pelvic floor musculature in women with lower urinary tract symptoms and voiding dysfunction. Neurourology and Urodynamics, 37, S536–S537. https://apps.webofknowledge.com/full_record.do?product=WOS&search_mode=GeneralSearch&qid=1&SID=D2NT36w5CWhgRyInkMm&page=1&doc=1
Deegan, Emily, Lynn Stothers, Alex Kavanagh and Andrew Macnab. 2018. Quantification of pelvic floor muscle strength in female urinary incontinence: A systematic review and comparison of contemporary methodologies. Neurourology and Urodynamics, 37(1), 33–45. https://doi.org/10.1002/nau.23285
Davies, Justine Ina, Andrew John Macnab, Peter Byass, Shane A Norris, Moffat Nyirenda, Atul Singhal, Eugene Sobngwi and Abdallah S Daar. 2018. Developmental origins of health and disease in Africa—influencing early life. The Lancet Global Health, 6(3), e244–e245. https://doi.org/10.1016/S2214-109X(18)30036-6
Bajunirwe, Francis, Lynn Stothers, Jonathan Berkowitz and Andrew Macnab. 2018. Prevalence estimates for lower urinary tract symptom severity among men in Uganda and sub-Saharan Africa based on regional prevalence data. Canadian Urological Association Journal, 12(11). https://doi.org/10.5489/cuaj.5105
Abdulaziz, Marwa, Alex Kavanagh, Lynn Stothers and Andrew Macnab. 2018. Relevance of open magnetic resonance imaging position (sitting and standing) to quantify pelvic organ prolapse in women. Canadian Urological Association Journal, 12(11). https://doi.org/10.5489/cuaj.5186
Abdulaziz, Marwa, Lynn Stothers and Andrew Macnab. 2018. Methodology for 3D image reconstruction of the female pelvis from upright open MRI (MRO) 2D imaging. Biomedical Spectroscopy and Imaging, 7(1–2), 81–96. https://doi.org/10.3233/BSI-180178
Macnab, Andrew J., and Ronald Mukisa. 2019. Celebrity endorsed music videos: innovation to foster youth health promotion. Health Promotion International, 1:1-10. https://doi.org/10.1093/heapro/day042
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