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Howard Barnum

  • 2012 and earlier

Involved in these STIAS projects

Quantum Bayesianism is an effort to interpret all the probabilities arising in quantum theory (our most accurate physical theory to date, the one ultimately responsible for almost all of modern technology)...

Related publications

Journal Article

Barnum, Howard, Markus P Müller, and Cozmin Ududec. 2014. Higher-Order Interference and Single-System Postulates Characterizing Quantum Theory. New Journal of Physics 16 (2014). doi:10.1088/1367-2630/16/12/123029.

Book/Book Chapter

Barnum, Howard and Alexander Wilce. 2016. Post-Classical Probability Theory. Pp. 367–420 in Quantum Theory: Informational Foundations and Foils, vol. 181, edited by G. Chiribella and R. W. Spekkens. Dordrecht: Springer.

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