In September 1977, Bantu Stephen Biko was murdered by the South African security police. Given Biko’s status as a leading anti-apartheid activist, the news of his death immediately reverberated around...
Mkhululi Mabija and Paul Castles as a librettist-compose team working on two companion pieces of alternative music theatre.
The road between the desert and the ocean explores what it is to have lived...
My research, based in close discourse analysis of primary and secondary medical and legal literatures, offers a history of the hepatitis B virus and vaccine development in the period from 1940 to 1988....
In (Black Afrikaans poet) Ronelda Kamfer’s collection Chinatown (2019), she criticises canonical Afrikaans white women poets for their implied complicity with apartheid and continued white hegemony within...
Cognitive science is an interdisciplinary research paradigm that emerged after WWII and that studies the mind at psychological, computational and neurobiological levels of analysis. The cognitive sciences...
Mitochondria are essential organelles found in every human cell, required to convert food into usable energy. Mitochondria possess their own genome that is central to their function. Proteins encoded by...
My study of prehistoric art in the Northern Cape, South Africa probes the quest for an authentic past in relation to the region’s complex, layered history, from ancient traces to contemporary concerns....
The extinction of dinosaurs after a 10 km wide meteor struck Earth in today’s Caribbean, 66 million years ago, marked the division between the Cretaceous and Cenozoic (popularly known as the Age of Mammals)....
The recent authoritarian turn globally raises questions about what happens to women’s rights in such contexts. Surprisingly, some authoritarian regimes in Africa have proven rather adept at adopting...