The profound challenge of ensuring the long-term well-being and perhaps even the survival of human society within societal and bio-geo-physical planetary boundaries hinges critically on transforming collective...
Generative linguistic theory holds that language is shaped by principles hardwired in the human brain. For many years modeling of the principles was based mainly on English, taking its properties to be...
Against the background of memory activism and decolonial movements in Southern Africa, much discussed since the South African #RhodesMustFall movement in 2015, this project traces the complex transfigurations...
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of mortality and amounts to about a third of all global deaths. Decline of death rates for CVDs is faster in high-income compared to low- and middle-income...
Since the start of my career the focus of my scholarly research has been what has been defined as the “agrarian question”. This question is concerned with understanding the processes by which capitalism...
Breast cancer is the most prevalent cancer among women worldwide. The complexity and intricacies of the tumor microenvironment (TME) play a pivotal role in the progression and development of this disease....
This project provides a historical perspective on migration, demonstrating that it is the defining feature of our species, without which homo sapiens would not have thrived and populated our planet. Migrants...
Despite extensive social science research documenting the coercion and damage attendant and endemic to the sex industry and decades of legal debate on approaches to this problem, no effective legal challenges...
Africa has been dependent on official development assistance or aid for decades. Despite the aid over the years, poverty remains widespread on the continent with 460 million people living below the extreme...
Inhospitable Places is a feminist project that works with thinking about race, gender and class in contemporary South African contexts. Conceptualising inhospitability as being unwelcoming and not generous,...
The germline functions to perpetuate life and relay genetic and epigenetic information across generations. Errors during the germline specification cause devastating and long-lasting effects. Our knowledge...
Within global urban historiography there has been no detailed exploration of the nature and consequences of mingling across ethnic, racial or national boundaries in cities strongly socially and spatially...