Wetting phenomena are ubiquitous in nature and in our manufactured technological environment. Every instance of contact between substances composed of molecules or larger artificial particles presents...
This project addresses the question of what constitutes good scientific reasoning. The starting point is the observation that scientific reasoning takes place in the realm of uncertainty: We do not know...
The purpose of this project is to analyze the construction of black identity in 21st – century France. It questions the premises of a whole body of knowledge that still subscribes to the French Republic’s...
Globally there are calls for incentives for biodiversity conservation, including the mobilization of financial resources to implement biodiversity targets effectively. Multi-level governance has long been...
Most species occur in subdivided (fragmented) populations. For many years I have been studying local adaptation in such populations. In my individual project I want to bring this to a new level, by exploring...
Two distinct, mutually influential, and globally inspirational black freedom struggles in the last half of the twentieth century – against segregation in the United States and apartheid in South Africa...
Israel’s 1982 invasion of Lebanon was a formative moment in Middle Eastern and international history, reshaping Israeli and Lebanese politics, society, and culture; the fate of Palestinian self-determination;...
In recent decades nations around the world have begun to open up significant amounts of the non-personal data they generate, gather and hold. From education to housing, health to transport, urban planning...
Phileas Fogg, the main character in Jules Verne’s acclaimed novel “Around the World in Eighty Days”, could not have suffered from jet-lag during his trip, despite crossing multiple time zones....
In this project, for the first time, the history of early Israelite Religion is based on the results of historical research on the emergence and development of the two states Judah and Israel. Accordingly,...
Neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, are devastating disorders affecting millions worldwide. All aging populations worldwide are increasing. With the population increase,...
Bioinspiration is the use of physical and technological principles to design devices working almost as biological entities (from the animal and vegetal species). This project aims to contribute in the...