Zionism does not only colonize space; it also colonizes time. Likewise, its great adversary, the Palestinian freedom movement, is not just a struggle to regain home and hearth; it is a struggle to liberate...
An artist is trained to be visually aware. The Afrikaans word raaksien also signifies beyond suggesting a keen eye to the essential role of a visual artist’s manner of looking, to reveal the truth of...
Worldwide, at least 2.2 billion people live with visual impairment and there is a huge need for these cases to be addressed or prevented. In order to implement as good global and relevant rehabilitation...
The #JustAndEquitableNow team reflects on what it means to make, teach, and research the arts when communities are protesting against longstanding injustices and demanding better futures. The project team...
The Indian Ocean has been called the “ocean of the South”, as well as the “ocean of the future”. It is largely conceived as a sociopolitical space, with its long history of monsoon-enabled South-South...
Blind or visually impaired people (BVIP) are increasingly encountering difficulties in their daily lives. The urban congestion of our cities makes it even more difficult for them to get around. Existing...
We have entered a moment of profound challenge for open societies. Inequality – within and across states in the global South and the global North – is at record, and unsustainable, levels. Workers...
The proposed project investigates the sacred landscapes of the southern arid margins of the Levant (now southern Jordan/Israel), as observed by the spatial distribution and the material culture of the...
Several studies reported that bacterial co-infections have been considered an important contributor to morbidity and mortality of COVID-19. Indeed, in the absence of biological laboratory diagnoses of...
The proposed project builds on some of my earlier work on music and violence, and is born of the politico-ethical imperative to break the silence surrounding structural violence and abuse in institutionalised...
This project aims to explore ideas surrounding water within the musical world of eSwatini. As a country plagued by severe and regular drought and as southern African moves permanently into a state of water...
My project investigates black archives of Atlantic worlds as praxis and method, with a particular focus on sonic aspects. In foregrounding the black sonic, I seek to expand narrow confines of the black...