The Anglophone diaspora arose during the period we identify as the Anthropocene. From 1780 to 1930 English speakers rocketed from 12m to 200m through language migration and Anglophone settlements in Australasia,...
Every knowledge-based discipline proceeds trough history by coining new terms. In the present project we shall study one of the most iconic terms in biology: the cell. The word “cell” comes from the...
Since around 500BCE, when Heraclitus declared that everything changes while Parmenides maintained that everything stays the same, the dichotomy of process and substance has been at the heart of Western...
Challenges confronting our contemporary world like terrorism, populism, and religious pluralism recommend revisiting Gandhi’s concept of satyagraha. Both this concept as well as his ecumenical opening...
This book project in four parts intends to study how people, coming from a centuries-old orality, act in a context of copyright introduced by colonial and postcolonial authority. I seek to understand how...
Before the 2017 election, Kenya’s President declared the minority ethnic Makonde community recognised as ‘the 43rd tribe of Kenya’. Unbeknown to them, in 2009 the National Bureau of Statistics had...
Strategies promoting social protection for agricultural growth have been remarkably successful in some countries (mainly Asian countries) but not in others (mainly African countries). However, Governments...
This research project examines the first generation of independent African leaders and how they went about constructing new African nation-states: forging a sense of nationhood out of disparate African...
Cities and larger towns are increasingly home to the majority of people, globally and in South Africa. The manner in which these settlements are structured fundamentally impacts on the livelihood opportunity...
While at STIAS, I plan to complete a long-standing data analysis of large bodies of archaeological, paleontological, and climatological data in order to gain a comprehensive understanding of the evolution...
This project addresses how, and how early, racial and gender biases emerge in young children and how they are shaped by the linguistic and social communities (families, schools, neighborhoods) in which...
My study of prehistoric art in the Northern Cape, South Africa probes the quest for an authentic past in relation to the region’s complex, layered history, from ancient traces to contemporary concerns....