Susanne Lundin
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Medicine Across Border: Exploration of Grey Zones
Susanne Lundin, Rui Liu, Elmi Muller & Anja Smith (Editors)
AFRICAN SUN MeDIA (2023, 239PP) ISBN 978-1-991260-31-4
Liu, Rui, Susanne M Lundin, Talieh Mirsalehi and Margareta Troein. 2022. “I’m not a jukebox where you push a button and then I sing”: Negotiating Medicine Access in Physician–Patient Encounters. Ethnologia Europaea, 52(2). https://doi.org/10.16995/ee.9055
Persson, Amelie, Margareta Troein, Susanne Lundin, Patrik Midlöv and Cecilia Lenander. 2022. Swedish community pharmacy employees’ knowledge and experience of substandard and falsified medical products: a cross-sectional descriptive survey. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 30(5), 414–419. https://doi.org/10.1093/ijpp/riac059
Liu, Rui and Susanne Lundin. 2020. Medicines in the grey market: A sociocultural analysis of individual agency. In Movement of knowledge: Medical humanities perspectives on medicine, science, and experience (pp. 233–257). Nordic Academic Press (Kriterium). https://doi.org/10.21525/kriterium.24.j
Newton, P. N., Bond, K. C., Newton, P., Bond, K., Abiola, V., Ade-Abolade, K., Adeyeye, M., Ahmad, A., Ahmed, T., Alcocer Vera, P., Amsilli, M., Antignac, M., Anyakora, C., Ashenef, A., Aspinall, A., Awab, G. R., Babar, Z.-U.-D., Bannenberg, W., Bastow, J., … Zulzaga, Z. 2019. Global access to quality-assured medical products: the Oxford Statement and call to action. The Lancet Global Health, 7(12), e1609–e1611. https://doi.org/10.1016/S2214-109X(19)30426-7
Wiszmeg, Andréa, Susanne Lundin, Åsa Mäkitalo, Håkan Widner and Kristofer Hansson. 2021. Transforming trash to treasure Cultural ambiguity in foetal cell research. Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine, 16(1), 6. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13010-021-00104-y
Lundin, Susanne, Johanna Rivano Eckerdal and Lynn Åkesson. Eds. 2021. ETN:H20. In ETN. Etnologisk skriftserie. Vol. 10. Institutionen för kulturvetenskaper, Lunds universitet. https://portal.research.lu.se/portal/files/100054888/ETN_H2O.pdf
Lui, Rui, Susanne Lundin, Thumakele Gosa, Elmi Muller, Paul Roviss Khambule and Anja Smith. 2020. Medicine Knowledge and Purchasing Behaviour in a South African Township: Lessons Learnt From a Pilot Study on Awareness of Substandard and Falsified Medical Products. Research Square. https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-112019/v1
Lui, Rui, Susanne Lundin, Thumakele Gosa, Elmi Muller, Paul R Khambule and Anja Smith, A. 2020. Medicine Knowledge and Purchasing Behaviour in a South African Township: Lessons Learnt From a Pilot Study on Awareness of Substandard and Falsified Medical Products. Research Square. https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-112019/v1
Lundin, Susanne. 2015. Organs for Sale: An Ethnographic Examination of the International Organ Trade. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. http://www.palgrave.com/gp/book/9781137539847.
Lundin, Susanne, Eva Torkelson, and Marsanna Petersen. 2016. “With This Disease, You Take Whatever Chances There Are”—A Study on Socio-Cultural and Psychological Aspects of Experiments Regarding Huntington’s Disease. Open Journal of Medical Psychology 5(4):72–87. http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperDownload.aspx?DOI=10.4236/ojmp.2016.54009
Humbracht, Michael, Insoo Hyun, and Susanne Lundin. 2016. Managing Hope and Spiritual Distress: The Centrality of the Doctor-Patient Relationship in Combatting Stem Cell Travel. Pp. 153–68 in Bodily Exchanges, Bioethics and Border Crossing: Perspectives on Giving, Selling and Sharing Bodies, edited by E. Malmqvist and K. Zeiler. Cambridge: Routledge. https://www.routledge.com/Bodily-Exchanges-Bioethics-and-Border-Crossing-Perspectives-on-Giving/Malmqvist-Zeiler/p/book/9781138858763
Lundin, Susanne, Charlotte Kroløkke, Michael N Petersen, and Elmi Muller. 2016. Global Bodies in Grey Zones – Heatlh, Hope, Biotechnology. Stellenbosch: African SUN Media. http://www.africansunmedia.co.za/Sun-e-Shop/Product-Details/tabid/78/ProductID/461/Default.aspx
Global Bodies in Grey Zones: Health, Hope, Biotechnology
Susanne Lundin, Charlotte Kroløkke, Michael N. Peterson & Elmi Muller (Editors)
SUN PRESS (2016, 197 pp) ISBN: 978‑1‑928357-19-3
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