Reductionism has been the predominant research strategy of molecular and structural biology in the 20th century.  According to Francis Crick (1966):«The ultimate aim of the modern movement in biology...
South Africa’s turn to liberal constitutionalism has attracted wide interest from comparative politics scholars.  To date, however, there has been little serious scholarly work done on the politics...
After the initial euphoria surrounding democratic transitions since the 1990’s, what is the present state and future prospects of these young democracies? How deeply embedded is the democratic spirit...
Scholars in the humanities continue to resist the possible applications of the cognitive neurosciences to the understanding of cultural phenomena.  No rigorous effort has been made to bring recent developments...
The advent of the knowledge society has placed the spotlight on the role of experts as gatekeepers and as brokers of knowledge. This is a problem that concerns developed and developing countries alike....
Many African postcolonies are haunted by the spectre of: the waning efficacy of law enforcement, the ambiguity of authority, and the apparent abandonment of subjects by the state. The Truth About Crime,...
The major project is to outline and pursue further research on the forthcoming book, titled ‘Intellectual Property and its Publics: The Work of Culture in an Era of Informational Capital’ which explores...
‘The Global South’ is rarely seen as a source of explanation for world historical events. Yet, as nation-states of the north experience increasing fiscal meltdown, privatization, corruption, ethnic...
Quantum Bayesianism is an effort to interpret all the probabilities arising in quantum theory (our most accurate physical theory to date, the one ultimately responsible for almost all of modern technology)...
“Why do we simply fail to establish a more human society in South Africa?  In spite of lofty expectations of a “better life for all”, of the restoration of human dignity, of a society free from...
Although South Africa is food secure on a country level, large numbers of households within the country remain food insecure. The Department of Agriculture in South Africa has recognized several key food...
Emergent behaviour seems to be characteristic of the `complex systems’ that currently feature in Mathematics, Computer Science, the Physical Sciences and Philosophy. The purpose of this project is...