The Developmental Origins of Health and Disease & Sustainable Development Goals: Moving Towards Early Implementation The Developmental Origins of Health and Disease (DOHaD) paradigm provides us with...
Africa is known for its rich biodiversity, particularly in higher plants. African societies have had and still have very elaborate ethnobotanical and ethnomedical history.  Some of the earliest (pre-historic)...
This project poses the question of how authoritarian politics systems institutionalise themselves through everyday life. While there has been a rise in authoritarian politics across the African continent...
The experimental works conducted during the past 15 years by Albertazzi and others have shown that phenomenal qualities subjectively perceived are not explicable by third person accounts. Then the question...
The project focuses on falsified medicines – a growing health problem affecting both developed and developing countries. Falsified medicines range from mixtures of toxic substances to ineffective...
When a unit of description makes way for a second unit that consists of many members of the first, the notion of individuality, which initially referred to the ‘one’, now refers to the ‘many’....
This research would form part of a larger project which aims to produce a new conceptual understanding of the relationship between global corporations, states, state law and international law. Such an...
This project is the fruition of twenty-seven years of research on the significance of the Liberated Africans, those rescued from the holds of slave ships and dhows in the Indian and Atlantic Oceans, the...
Human population growth threatens the integrity of 0.8% of the Earth’s freshwater ecosystems globally, through reduction of its ability to support biodiversity and provide ecosystem services. The aim...
We live in times of the apocalypse. We keep dystopias like pets: imagining the end of the world is one of our favorite pastimes and a mass-culture-phenomenon. It is necessary to resist this trend with...
This project, a prospective monograph entitled In/appropriate Personae: Contemporary Cultural Production and the Politics of Appropriation, seeks to examine the growing awareness of the politics of representation...