The multivalent opportunities provided by the post-apartheid policy-led transforming cultural scene saw an intensification of cultural activities mushrooming throughout the country. In relation to musical...
Humanity is facing an existential crisis from global climate change. Evolutionary biology has a critical role to play in how we respond. The problem fundamentally involves two evolvable variables: Ecosystems,...
This project aims to address the economic mechanisms governing or heavily influencing all significant patent offices (PTOs) worldwide. Said mechanisms are not obvious. In some cases, they even are actively...
Beginning from the understanding that it is imperative today to develop new concepts for the thinking of an emancipatory politics on the African continent (Fanon), this book develops and expands into new...
Around the world, gender inequality continues to shape individual opportunities, families, and societies. Among adults ages 25-34, five million more women are in poverty than men. The World Economic Forum...
The false codling moth (FCM) is a key quarantine pest in Africa. Agricultural exports infested by the pest are unacceptable in the international markets, causing losses of millions of US dollars in foreign...
Promotion of well-being and healthy lives is the third goal of the United Nations Organization Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) (United Nations Organization, 2015) and as such well-being has become a...
Although an African Union Comprehensive Strategy Guide for Disaster Risk Reduction (AUDRR) exists, escalating natural disasters continue to aggravate livelihood insecurity across the continent, particularly...
The study of popular culture in Africa illustrates that ordinary African residents in urban settings use their local specificities to create popular forms of African cultural production that respond in...
This project aims to consolidate and develop a national Performing Arts Health network led by Stellenbosch University and the University of Pretoria for interdisciplinary scholarly activity in the field...
Local soil knowledge is an important source of information when designing sustainable agricultural strategies. This knowledge participates essentially in farmer adoption process of new agricultural techniques...
Plants produce myriad of compounds with various biological properties. The structural configuration of plant metabolites has been directly correlated to its biological activity. Geometrical isomers are...