Patients with thalassemia major require regular blood transfusions from 6-12 months of age to stay alive. This eventually results in massive iron overload; the body has no mechanism for ridding itself...
The present research proposal aims to work on an anthropology of misfortune in Cameroon by describing and analyzing critically various forms of malevolence in media narrative in Cameroon. I intend to thematize...
My fourth novel will look at the lives of internally displaced people in India in what I hope is a formally original way – by marrying the extreme and self-conscious artifice of the pastoral mode to...
This project explores distributive struggles on the platinum belt in South Africa. Primary, it examines local politics of distribution in platinum-rich traditional authority areas in South Africa’s North...
This project will take its point of departure in field work carried out by Bodil Folke Frederiksen and myself in two urban slum areas in South Africa and Kenya from the mid-1990s onwards. Our parallel...
For this project I am reading the burgeoning publication of essays that tackle black middle-classness and related aspects such as masculinities, femininities and race – indeed, intersections of these....
Drawing on my own fieldwork in Ghana as well as secondary sources on West Africa, but also other African countries, this project will explore two challenges in particular. The first concerns the relationship...
This project investigates how legal and bureaucratic processes mediate inheritance in South Africa, as a window into the formal institutional dimensions of middle-class reproduction. This reveals connections...
Cancer is the second leading cause of death globally, and to reduce this societal and economic burden new treatment options will be needed. Cancer cells show a distinct metabolism compared to normal cells,...
South Africa (SA) is a low-middle income country (LMIC) with an ageing population and increasing prevalence of non-communicable diseases (NCD). Many LMIC with increased urbanisation and a shift to a western...
The experimental works conducted during the past 15 years by Albertazzi and others have shown that phenomenal qualities subjectively perceived are not explicable by third person accounts. Then the question...
This project, a prospective monograph entitled In/appropriate Personae: Contemporary Cultural Production and the Politics of Appropriation, seeks to examine the growing awareness of the politics of representation...