The global population of forcibly displaced persons due to armed conflict is about 44 million, comprising about 15.2 million refugees and 28.8 million internally displaced persons (IDPs). About one third...
This research proposes that there is an ‘African metropolis’ that has been struggling for space and ascendancy in the City of Nairobi. It is made of the slum, urbanized villages, self-developed urban...
Stroke care represents one of the major global unmet challenges of the global health care system. Out of the 15 million yearly global sufferers 5 million die and another 5 million are permanently disabled....
  A mid-term research programme focusing on the ideational foundations of social policies beyond traditional “Northern” welfare will be fleshed out. The basic ideas of “Northern” welfare are...
Fulfilling human rights to a clean and healthy environment while sustaining that environment for present and future generations of humans and non-humans is unambiguously worthwhile until a nation tries...
Sepsis kills over six million children in the developing world every year, many of those die at home and thus it is believed that a distributed, community‐based intervention would be most effective in...
During the past decade, an extraordinary disconnect regarding the futures of states in sub-Saharan Africa has emerged: ‘Aspiring Africa, the world’s fastest growing continent’ (in the words of The...
Perched, inconveniently, at opposite ends of the globe, Scotland and South Africa are nonetheless ‘sisters-in-law’ in the sense that their systems of private law are uncannily close. For in both countries...
The role of literature is always to speak the truth to power (Nietzsche), and even if it cannot pretend to ameliorate material problems it appears to have impact on the way readers respond to reality and...
Recent political and judicial battles over the rights of sexual minorities in East Africa have witnessed the introduction of new constricting legislation, judicial interventions and civil society action...
For a Latin American publisher I have undertaken to compile an anthology of world poetry. Each poem will be presented in its original language and in Spanish translation, and will be prefaced with an introduction...
People have always been fascinated by randomness and intrigued by the fundamental question – is any outcome that appears random to us only so by virtue of our ignorance, or do there exist experiments...