A book about Togolese who apply for the US Diversity Visa lottery will be completed.  More Togolese per capita apply for the Green Card lottery than those from any other African country, with winners...
The archives of Nobel Prizes have been used for the production of two books, Nobel Prizes and Life Sciences (2010) and Nobel Prizes and Nature’s Surprises (2013). Writing about Nobel Prizes by use of...
The project is concerned with vaccinology in the public eye. As in human medicine, vaccinophobia has hampered acceptance of immunization also in the companion animal veterinary scene, has led to sometimes...
At STIAS the text of an extended online edition (eBook) of the historic research work, ‘The Foundations of Medical and Veterinary Virology: Discoverers and Discoveries, Inventors and Inventions, Developers...
Work on the book ‘The Scientific Method in Biology and Biomedicine’ will be continued. One chapter will be devoted to the concept of scientific paradigm introduced by Thomas Kuhn in his influential...
Appearing very early in the history of photography and pervasive throughout the world, school-class photos, like report cards and diplomas, confirm group belonging and exposure to a process of educational...
This project will contribute to a greater comparative understanding of state-customary knowledge and its challenges in Africa by way of a study of the experience of the post-apartheid State in this regard....
Today’s society is facing a series of new challenges. With the aging of populations and growth in diabetes, heart and vascular diseases, demand for transplantation is increasing exponentially. One...
The sustainable management of global water resources is one of the most pressing environmental challenges of the 21st century. Many problems and barriers towards improvement can be attributed to governance...
One can identify an ‘aesthetics’ of violence in any representation of a violent act where form and textuality are essential elements to the experience to the representation. But this aesthetics is...
There is little one can read about the history and the pioneers of chemistry in Africa and even that is mostly written by non-Africans. The idea to document and recognize the pioneers of chemistry began...
Roughly 30% of global energy consumption today is friction – a colossal loss. Tribology is an inter-disciplinary research field to understand, minimize and in the end to eliminate friction and wear...