The project will involve analysis and interpretation of data collected in research aimed at interrogating societal definitions of rape.
Knowing what society considers acceptable behavior may explain the...
Witnessing the large-scale displacement and conditions of statelessness in the wake of the Second World War, political theorist Hannah Arendt coined the evocative phrase “the right to have rights”,...
During its 12-year trajectory, the Khulumani case has excited interest worldwide. The case should be understood and situated within the Transitional Justice initiatives undertaken during the South African...
The fellowship at STIAS will build on my prior work on comparative administrative law dealing with public participation in policymaking. In the modern state, legislatures cannot possibly resolve all aspects...
Africa has emerged as the ‘final frontier’ in the global debate over the potential for Genetically Modified (GM) crops to alleviate poverty and hunger for smallholder farmers. Proponents argue that...
Recent decades have witnessed systematic efforts to build institutions in response to mass atrocities, a “justice cascade”, and an unprecedented wave of apologies by heads of state. Simultaneously,...
Vulvodynia is a chronic pain condition that is characterized by recurrent vulvo-vaginal pain that does not have an identifiable cause. With an estimated prevalence of 8% in the general population, this...
Central to the question of land grabs around the world is a tension between the sovereignty of States – and its internal manifestation in the form of eminent domain – and the property rights...
My research project falls into the interdisciplinary field of human-animal studies and deals with the discursive formation of human-dog correlation in socio-political discourse. It is a comparative investigation...
The project focuses on falsified medicines – a growing health problem affecting both developed and developing countries. Falsified medicines range from mixtures of toxic substances to ineffective...
Why and how did we (Homo sapiens) evolve into a species that is dependent on its ‘brains’ rather than its ‘brawn’ for our survival and successful spread across the globe? This is an old question,...
In our era of mass migration, understanding migrant families’ efforts to forge and maintain meaningful social and civic ties is more important than ever. Building upon my ethnographic work on Cameroonian...