1. The scorpion chemosensory organs have a number of unusual properties, making them an intriguing research object for neurobiologists. First, the scorpion pectines are not located on the head like the...
The unity, integrity, health and prospects of collectives such as states, nations and societies are often imagined in terms of the individual human body. Already for Plato, the just person with an orderly...
BTK is a cytoplasmic protein-tyrosine kinase, whose corresponding gene was isolated in the early 1990s. BTK was initially identified by positional cloning of the gene causing X-linked agammaglobulinemia...
Human history over the millennia has been shaped by major social transformation processes. These transformational processes redefined the key features of socio-economic relationships both within communities...
Patients with homozygous beta thalassemia have complex clinical complications due to the need for blood transfusions and iron overload. Liver pathology due to the latter and a high prevalence of hepatitis...
Professor Ian Goldin is the Director of the Oxford Martin School and Professor of Globalisation and Development at the University of Oxford. The Oxford Martin School is the leading global interdisciplinary...
Supercapacitors are devices that reside on the border between capacitor technology   and   battery   systems   and   are   utilized   in   transportation   and infrastructure applications....
The themes of the collection “Axis and Revolution”, my fourth book of poetry, range from poetry as autobiography to the contemporary legacy of slavery, a topic that has engaged my critical as well...
Men’s magazines had their official start in South Africa in 1910 with the inception of publications aimed at asserting the continued role of the Empire in establishing a benchmark of good taste. At this...
The simultaneous unity and plurality of law was a central topic for Hans Kelsen. He conceived of unity and plurality in accordance of the so-called black box model. For him, global law consisted of territorially...
Ubuntu is an Nguni word that covers a broad semantic field to signify a sharing that connects humans and typifies all right thinking. As such, it functions as a meta-norm, similar to the religious Halacha...
After 9/11 The USA declared war on an emotion. Words in the fear-terror cluster have a long history of ambiguously referencing internal states and external agents. My project will examine key moments in...