Nederlandsliedjies are one of the two most important repertoires of creole songs which feature in the competitions of the Sangkore (also called: Nagtroepe, Hollandse Teams or Malay Choirs); they are also...
It is often believed that “in the past”, women were confined to the home and supported by their husbands (the “male breadwinner model”). While this may be true for nineteenth-century bourgeois...
This project will involve collaboration with Jannie Hofmeyr (SU) on, amongst others the principles of supply and demand as driving force of metabolic activity, and incorporating them: 1) into existing...
Emergent behaviour seems to be characteristic of the `complex systems’ that currently feature in Mathematics, Computer Science, the Physical Sciences and Philosophy. The purpose of this project is...
The project will involve the final editing and fine-tuning of the main body of the book Nelson Mandela – Tolerance and Leadership. Key persons who can add value to the content of the book will be interviewed....
Many African postcolonies are haunted by the spectre of: the waning efficacy of law enforcement, the ambiguity of authority, and the apparent abandonment of subjects by the state. The Truth About Crime,...
‘The Global South’ is rarely seen as a source of explanation for world historical events. Yet, as nation-states of the north experience increasing fiscal meltdown, privatization, corruption, ethnic...
This project explores the relationship between two very different types of theology that have characterized theological thinking in the Dutch Reformed Church in South Africa during the past 150 years:...
The project is to work towards completion of a book under the working title of ‘All too real: race thinking and thinking about race in South Africa’. The data has been collected and the arguments developed...
This project will involve the further exploration of a number of issues treated briefly in the 2004 study ‘The Singularity of Literature’, a short book that examined the distinctive character of literary...
The project will analyse three factors in play: a national project of post-colonial recovery from distributive injustice, prominently including land reform; express constitutional protection for property...
This project has the aim to complete and finalize a large global initiative in collaboration with the Secretariat of the Convention of Biological Diversity (SCBD). The project has a UN-mandate and will...