The STIAS Effects of Race project project will address major gaps in our knowledge on race thinking and racialism. The project is informed by the need for further research and reflection on “race,”...
This project forms part of a five year research project that is investigating the role that alternative music communities in South Africa played to imagine and create a social order different from the...
Hemispheric asymmetries play an important role in almost all cognitive functions. Despite this tremendous relevance, our understanding of the neurobiological fundaments of lateralization is just in its...
Democracy as an overall model for how societies should be governed must be seen as a remarkable success. Over the last centuries, several waves of democracy have swept over the globe, bringing representative...
This research project aim is to contribute to the quest for a viable political philosophy for contemporary Africa. The goal in this regard is to develop alternative ways of making political ideas and values...
The economics of information has constituted a revolution in economics, providing explanations of phenomena that previously had been unexplained and upsetting longstanding presumptions, including that...
1. The scorpion chemosensory organs have a number of unusual properties, making them an intriguing research object for neurobiologists. First, the scorpion pectines are not located on the head like the...
The world over and across time, the arts remain vitally important in fostering resilience and creating channels for reconciliation after conflict. This unique initiative blends South African, Kenyan, US...
This research proposes that there is an ‘African metropolis’ that has been struggling for space and ascendancy in the City of Nairobi. It is made of the slum, urbanized villages, self-developed urban...
Ubuntu is an Nguni word that covers a broad semantic field to signify a sharing that connects humans and typifies all right thinking. As such, it functions as a meta-norm, similar to the religious Halacha...
This project is an exploration of the life and memories associated with three key saints of the local Capetonian scene, and most notably Tuan Guru, set against a larger story of forced labour and exile...
By examining a number of literary works which were published in both Afrikaans and English in the past 25 years in the context of recent studies of the question of translation and world literature, this...