What influence does living or working in a given area, an area delimited –even if informally – from its surroundings, have on those inside and those outside this distinct area? The insiders may...
In addition to their well known functions in the controlling infections, immune cells and inflammatory reactions play crucial roles in metabolic and neurodegenerative diseases, such as obesity and Alzheimer’s...
Charles Darwin jotted in his notebook in 1838, ‘He who understands the baboon would do more towards metaphysics than Locke.’ Essentially, I am trying to answer Darwin’s call. I want to...
The African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA) is the current initiative to form the world’s largest free-trade zone in terms of number of countries. It appears to follow the European integration...
My research, based in close discourse analysis of primary and secondary medical and legal literatures, offers a history of the hepatitis B virus and vaccine development in the period from 1940 to 1988....
The increasing digitalisation of international trade deepens globalisation, and data flows play a key role in this transformation. With its rise as an information superpower, China is reshaping global...
Ongoing tensions concerning cross-border supplies of medical equipment and vaccines and accusations of “vaccine nationalism” illustrates the pivotal importance of global value chains (GVCs). Some 80%...
Understanding the world around us begins with observation, and imaging is one of the main observation tools. In the frame of this proposal, we intend to investigate a novel concept of indirect imaging...
Mitochondria are essential organelles found in every human cell, required to convert food into usable energy. Mitochondria possess their own genome that is central to their function. Proteins encoded by...
Complexity theory offers new ways of understanding how social-ecological systems function under pressure, for example how climate change related stressors may exacerbate competition over scarce resources...
Licence to Talk is an attempt to describe the ‘actually-existing’ South African public sphere in all its messy complexity. Situating this work in the Global South, I take issue with the normative,...
The design of tubular structures with desirable internal and external topology represents a challenge for tissue engineering of cardiovascular grafts. Even though, conventional vascular grafts have the...